Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Flat Plans for Magazine

 This is the flat plan for my front cover, which I made using Microsoft Powerpoint. I think it will appeal to its target audience because their are various sell lines which could appeal to each person and may attract them. One of my sell lines will feature a competition which may make the reader want to buy it so they can win the competition. Also my cover image is of a music artist of the genre my magazine is based on, so it is likely they will attract readers who will want to read the interview with them. I think the flat plan resembles the layout of a general magazine covers as I used an image over the whole page, their are cover lines in various different places on the page and the masthead etc. is in the left side third of the page. I have designed this flat plan in the style of Q Magazine.
 This is my flat plan for the contents page, which I made using Microsoft Powerpoint. I think it will appeal to the target audience because there are images which show the main articles and provide the page number so you can go straight to that article. Also I think it is organized well so it is easy to find a page you are looking for, as the articles will be listed in chronological order and are separated into sections based on their content. I have modeled this contents page on that of Q Magazine, as I think the way they set out their features is sensible and clear yet still interesting for the reader. 
This is my flat plan for the double page spread, which I made using Microsoft Powerpoint. I think it will appeal to the target audience because the image is the main focus of both pages, so there is less to read preventing it from getting boring. The shape of the image I am going to use means I can set out the DPS in a way that I think will look more interesting, as the article title will be next to her head, the interview will be where the white space is and the pull quote is positioned underneath her guitar. I think the pull quote will grab the readers attention and they may want to read the full interview if it interests them. My interview is going to be set out in columns with the questions and answers clearly separated using different colours. My double page spread is probably similar to that of NME.

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